b'about us/purpose/ reward/ouryour RugbyFit USA is dedicated to expanding the gameOur unique apparel programs allow clubs to offer a wide of rugby in the United States.We understand thevariety of training, match, and social apparel to athletes, commitment and dedication every member of thecoaches, and supporters without the costly expense of rugby community puts forth into their passion formeeting minimum order requirements.We take care the game and the values it represents.We share thatof the entire customization and fulfillment processand same enthusiasm in the programs and products thatmake it easy and affordable for customers to browse we provide to our customers. and purchase club apparel through a free online store dedicated to each club.We believe that every club should have access to qualityapparelatANYquantity365daysayear.We give back.Our cutting edge technology gives club Wetakegreatprideinouruniquecustomizationadministrators unprecedented access to management and fulfillment process that allows us to provide ontools.Clubs can set profit margins, on select items, in demand apparel to clubs, athletes, and supporters. the store, track sales history in real time, and manage funds earned.Itisoursolepurposetoredefinethewayrugby apparel is customized and sold.We believe qualityWe provide additional discounts for volume orders and apparel can be both functional and inspirational. offer limited sponsorship programs for match apparel.2'